We've all had those seasons where life takes over, and writing—or any creative passion or hobby—gets pushed aside.
It’s been winter in Australia, and ripe virus season. With my toddler in daycare and me with an autoimmune disease, I’m sure you can all guess what that means: catching everything. Which meant weeks of no writing or book-related stuff at all while I went on survival mode and just tried to make it through each workday.
Along with that, my husband has been overseas for a couple of weeks, and while my pa is over to support, the change in family dynamic has changed the routine of my son who of course misses his dad.
This means as soon as I leave the bed in the morning for my early writing session, my son notices the absense more keenly and wakes too, more needy than usual.
Which also means no writing.
But, you know what? That happens. It’s life.
The overseas trip is only two weeks. And sickness seems to have gone for now. Hopefully for the rest of the year! (So overly optimistic!)
But it gets like that.
Sometimes too much out of our control happens and we don’t have time for things we love to do.
Maybe we need to do fewer gym sessions. Take a break while an injury heals. Pause a writing routine or change it up and write in the spare moments instead.
Adapt. Change. Test. Pause. Rest.
Whatever gets you through a difficult or crazy period.
And of course it’s frustrating. All I want to do is write. Watch the new WIP grow. I’m having so much fun with it and can't wait to share more on it with you all, and I’m sure many of you will relate when you’re in the zone with something, you don’t want to stop.
But as I’m having to relearn now, self-forgiveness at times like this is crucial.
It may not be what you envisioned, but that’s okay. These things happen.
Focus on the positives instead or try to mix it up.
Like for me, spending more calm time with my son in the mornings. It’s such a short period, so as much as I want to write, I also want to enjoy motherhood. And I’ll never say no to an extra cuddle.
When life demands more from us, it's okay to pause and regroup. Your writing will be there when you're ready, and sometimes, stepping away helps you return stronger and more inspired.
I've been telling myself this over and over this week, and I hope it helps someone out there who needs to hear it too.
I'll be back in touch soon with a high fantasy WIP update.
